Sunday, July 5, 2009

So we have landed in PARIS!! That flight was horrible! Everyone was
all packed together with no leg room.. But its not like we have room
to complain though because we are in freaking paris! Youhave know idea
how excited we are! We are very lucky to be able to go on this
adventure at such a young age! Bunny and pam (our leaders) are great!
Hopefully our first day will be unforgetable! Ohh and these posts may
not have been posted when the time says it was because its just when
ever we have an internet connection so you may get several at a time
that were actually written hours apart..

Saturday, July 4, 2009

happy 4th of july guys:) we are now in austria and today we went and saw the concentration camp.. it was sad but informative.. but then we got to go to a ammusement park! it was so much fun! and on the way back to the hotel we saw yet another gay parade... but anyway yesterday we were in salzburg after leaving our homestays:( but not sure if we let you know yet but thursday we had a disco party with our swiss friends! it was so much fun but ended to early because they still had one day of school left..
bye for know

Thursday, July 2, 2009

soo i know that we havent posted anything in a while and that is just because we are super busy and the whole issues with the key boards (but now in switzerland the onlz difference is that the y and z are switched!!) lets see.. saturday we went on a tour of paris with our guide sophie (sp??) then off to the louvre and we got to see the mona lisa! the art inside the louvre is from many the differnt centuries throughout history.. afterwards we went to the basilique de sacre coeur and saw the famous art center (where we got a drawing together! it turned out amazing!) on sunday we went to a parfum museum and then climed the eiffel tower (well honestly we rode the elevator and then took the stairs down!) its weird because we left for paris the day that michael jackson died and it wasnt that big of a deal but then you get to paris and he is like a god.. when we were leaving the eiffel tower there were swarms of people celebrating him.. anyway we then walked to the champs elysees (which by the way is said way different than it reads..) on monday we drove to strasburg and just explored the town a little bit.. on tuesday it was off to switzerland with a stop in lucerne before meeting our home-stay families in sargans.. on wednesday we drove over to a near by country (liechenstein) and hiked 7 miles on a mountain.. it took 4 1/2 hours!! and today we visited a fortress from WWII and then played soccer with our home stay families.. and we are leaving for a disco partz in about an hour since tonight will be our last night with them because tomorrow we leave for austria... we will try to post more soon
amber and morgayne..