Tuesday, June 9, 2009

So we are leaving for EUROPE soon! We can’t wait! This is going to be an unbelievable experience! We get to explore Europe not as the average tourist but as a People to People Student Ambassador! ((for information on People to People check out www.peopletopeople.com)) Student Ambassadors get to explore the world in a different way and we are going to love every minute of it! Our journey starts when we land in PARIS! After exploring France, we head to Switzerland then off to Austria.. And sadly after 19 days we depart from Italy. Only 15 more days and counting:]

1 comment:

  1. Thanks for calling Amber D. Glad you are having fun and glad you made it over there OK.

    Thanks also for creating this page to keep us posted. Hope you can figure out the keyboard. LOL

    I love you
